My Journal Entry For November 28th, 2022

Morning Routine, General Diary, Thoughts, and Ideas
Sleeping back at home last night, but went to bed far too late as found an interesting, 5-part, crime drama called Outcry on Sky Crime and stayed up to watch 1 and half episodes of it. Got up rather late and completed my morning routine.
Leaving horse bot as is again, small loss yesterday.
Day 5 for my son post transplant and so far he’s still doing Ok. 🤞
Another four world cup matches today.
I use the calibre program to manage my books, I spent quite a lot of time today getting my library of books I intend to read in order. I ranked them all by their Goodreads rating.
Food Diary
In the SAVERS acronym R is for Reading
My goal today is to read just 5 minutes of a brand new book, The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy
My starting point is location 1 of 2286 or 0% complete.
In the SAVERS acronym, S is for Scribing
My Core Journal
What did you achieve yesterday?
- Read more and take notes in my new note taking tool LogSeq. ✅
- Restore more of my Innovation-Creativity website. I restored about 4 pages, so a little closer to my goal ✅
What would make today great?
- Organize my book collection in calibre ✅
- Do a blog post of the 7 levels of communication book that I read
- Finish walking club proposal