How to Sell More by Falling in Love with Your Product and Customers

If you want to sell more of your online course, eBook, software product or in fact anything at all then you need to fall in love with your product and with your customers. Make selling a true win-win by turning your selling into a service.
Here are some top tips on how you can make your customers fall in love with both your product and your business:
- Identify who your ideal clients are: Ask your preferred AI bot who it thinks your ideal clients would be. You need to be very clear on who needs what you are selling. This will enable you to better tailor your marketing efforts so as to reach the right people
- Be customer-centric or customer-driven: Focus on the benefits that your product or service can provide. You can do this by asking yourself questions such as: “Why do my customers need this?” or “How can I make my customer’s lives easier or more convenient?” If you can understand your customers better then you can build better relationships with them.
- Turn selling into a service: For years I’ve personally shied away from selling, possibly from the fear of rejection, but you need to start thinking in terms of you are doing people a disservice by not sharing your product or service with them – after all this is something that should be making their lives better or easier. Serve people and help them to solve their problems. You need to be feeling bad if you don’t sell!
- Step up the love: Be nice, friendly, and helpful. Almost fall in love with your prospect or client. Visualize the success that your customers have from using your product or service. Fall in love with the outcome. Give them all the tools that they need to reach their desired goals. Make sure you truly believe in your product and its ability to help people.
- Make it a true win-win: Who are you letting down by not putting yourself and your product or service out there? You need to think in terms of wanting someone to experience your product. Serve people and help them reach their goals and solve their problems.
- Offer specials: People always love a deal or a bargain. When people get more for their money, they’ll be more likely to come back. Think of extras that you can give away as part of your offer. This could be something as simple as a PDF checklist a how-to guide or even a template to help them with something. You might hold holiday or other seasonal sales. You can offer free trials or buy-one-get-one-free deals. You need to try and encourage customers to keep coming back to your business. When people love your deals, they’ll love your business more.
- Be patient: Building relationships takes time. Don’t rush the process. Take the time to get to know your customers and their wants and needs. Offer them as much value as you can and be there for them when they need you.
In conclusion, if you want to sell more, you need to fall in love with your product and customers. By doing so, you can turn selling into a service and make it a true win-win. Identify your ideal clients, be customer-centric, turn selling into a service, step up the love, fall in love with your product, make it a true win-win, offer specials, and be patient. Serve your people.