My Journal Entry For Wednesday 9th November

Morning Routine And General Diary
My morning routine didn’t quite go to plan today as I woke up at about 3:30am and therefore decided to publish a change that needed putting live on our booking system product, PlanIt-BookIt. The change was to get people to opt in to getting their scores published on a proper league ranking site called Squash Levels.
Du to my early rise I ended up getting up a little later than I normally would. Still followed most of my morning routine though, including reading out loud my new affirmations that I created yesterday and then trying to visualise myself doing them.
I started the morning with a call with my business partner Steve, together we deleted all of the assets associated to an old Azure server that we had. Needed to do this to reduce our monthly Azure server costs.
That said, I didn’t progress too well as I got side tracked, the profit shown on the emails form the horse gambling bot didn’t match the profit shown on the exchange website. I hate not understanding something, so I decided to go through every email, 2 for every race and there were 30+ races yesterday, matching each email to the actual profit or loss shown on the exchange website. It turns out that one race the bot thought we had one on, that the horse later got disqualified, so we actually lost, hence the discrepancy!
I’m running horse gambling bot with a different strategy today, while yesterdays was just profitable, it didn’t really improve on what we had before.
Still doing my Keto diet today, the weight is still falling off me. I was down to 111.95KG or 247lbs and was weighing in at 114.05 or 251lbs only two days earlier! So I’ve lost 4lbs in 2 days, that’s not bad going! Still been having a few beers and the odd glass of wine at night too.
Late in the day got an email from one of our main booking system customers asking us whether we could supply them with a bespoke EPOS system. Steve and I are going to discuss this on Friday morning and get back to him with a proposal.
Food Diary
12:30 pm I had a cheese and ham Omelette, so very low on carbs
Tonight’s planned dinner is chicken pasta, I guess I will just have to have it without the pasta.
I made a lovely chicken and ham, arrabbiata style pasta and I was good and avoided all of the pasta, I just had the chicken and ham source, plus a big chunk of cooked ham as I was making the dish. So hopefully more pounds to be shed tomorrow.
In the SAVERS acronym R is for Reading
My goal today is to get to 65% complete of my Miracle Morning book. I’ve cut this back yet further, the reading is great and really helping me, but because I am taking notes at the same time in this journal it is taking way too much time.
It may be better to just block out either 30 minutes or 1 hour for reading and stick to that. That way I will have more time to focus on the business growth and improvement tasks!
My starting point for today is location 1875 of 3144 60% complete
My completion point was location 2114 of 3144 67% complete
In the SAVERS acronym, S is for Scribing
- What’s working? Do more of
- What do I need to start doing? To accelerate results
- What do I need to stop doing? Holding me back