My Journal Entry For Thursday 3rd November

- Well here we go, this is my first-ever journal entry, and currently, I really don’t know much about journaling so I will probably just use it, for now, to summarize what I’m learning in the Miracle Morning book that I am currently reading and maybe add one or two things as I go about my day or anything that is on my mind.
So, today I read 17% of the Miracle Morning book, which took me to location 533 on my kindle, which is no doubt useful for my own reference.
The author Hal Elrod mentioned that he likes to have goals for different areas of his life. The areas are health, happiness, relationships, finances, and spirituality.
It also recommended a book to read, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. I have actually read this book before, but it was some time back, so maybe I should revisit it. Might be an idea to add a page to this site on the books that I am currently reading and the ones that I intend to read. In fact, I like that idea a lot so I will do it now. Give me 5 minutes!! 😁 Here we go, a new page that shows the books I am currently reading and what I intend to read or that I have read… My Books
The book started hinting at things that you should be doing first thing in the morning. It also, every so often, has a write-up about some successful entrepreneurs’ morning routines. I noted the following…
- Mindfulness – I don’t currently do this, need to learn more about it.
- Gratitude Journal – I don’t currently do this but I plan to start soon.
- Meditation – I need to learn more about this, I don’t think I currently do this, I do however do the Wim Hoff Breathing exercises and take a cold shower every morning. The breathing is possibly a little like meditation.
- Take Health Supplements – I do this every day, as I read a book ages back, of which I forget the name, I think some guy had avoided all kind of illnesses and he put it down to taking every supplement available at his local Costco. So now, I do the same, I take one of almost every supplement that can be purchased at Costco, daily.
- Drink a large glass of water first thing – I didn’t do this, but I have immediately started, and it does seem to be quite effective at making me a little more ready to start the day. The theory is that during the night you get a little dehydrated and so a good early morning strategy is to down a large glass of water almost as soon as you get up and then follow it by brushing your teeth. For me I have to have a coffee in the morning, I love the stuff. I have a D’Longhi machine that I use that grinds the beans and makes a lovely coffee.
- Exercise – I currently don’t exercise first thing, however I do usually play a lot of squash or racketball through the week, usually about 3 or 4 times a week. Here’s a link to my madaboutsquash website, another project started and not quite finished! I think my wife has a subscription to some Davina McCall fitness website, I must ask her about it as maybe this is something that I can incorporate into my morning exercise routine.
- List three things that you want to get done today
- Read – I think I am personally going to set a goal of reading a minimum of an eighth of a book a day, so approx 13% on my Kindle
- Intentions Journal – where you can write and review both short and long-term goals.
- S – Silence
- A – Affirmations
- V – Visualization
- E – Exercise
- R – Reading
- S – Scribing