My Journal Entry For November 29th, 2022

Morning Routine, General Diary, Thoughts, and Ideas
Slept at home again last night but I woke up far too early. Managed to complete all of my morning routine.
Horse bot has been doing rubbish, so have tinkered a little with it today.
Day 6 for my son post transplant and he’s been a little sick today. Hoping he begins to feel much better soon. 🤞
Another four world cup matches today, but because its end of group stage there are two sets of two matches that are played at the same time. The biggy for me is the England v Wales game tonight at 7 pm. Will go to the hospital to watch it with my wife and son.
Called one of my customers today to confirm some work I had planned to do for him.
One of my riding club customers has decided to leave us this morning, it’s a little sad as they’ve been a customer of ours for a good number of years, although it was kind of expected as our system was never really geared up for equestrian clubs nor was it something that we wanted to focus on. I’ve put a date in my calendar to clear out all of their contacts and memberships.
Then I spent a bit of time putting a formal proposal together for my potential walking club customer.
Afternoon I went to the hospital and we all watched the England v Wales game together. England won 3 – 0 so that’s great news. Top of the group and through to the last 16.
When I got back from hospital I tried a new TV show out on Netflix that my son had recommended and that had high IMDB ratings called Wednesday. I watch a full one but it’s not for me, it’s done well with great effects but I think it’s more geared up for teenagers/young adults.
Food Diary
In the SAVERS acronym R is for Reading
My goal today is to read just 10 minutes of a brand new book, The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy
My starting point is location 197 of 2286 or 9% complete.
My ending point was location 251 of 2286 or 11% complete.
In the SAVERS acronym, S is for Scribing
My Core Journal
What did you achieve yesterday?
- Organize my book collection in calibre ✅
- Do a blog post of the 7 levels of communication book that I read ✅
What would make today great?
- Finish walking club proposal ✅
- Reach out to my charge point customer ✅
- Start work on my demo to my charge point customer
- Do a pricing page on our Objitec website – in fact it needs a lot of improvements
- Finish restore of my innovation website