My Journal Entry For Friday 4th November

Ok, for now, my second journal entry is going to continue with more learnings from my Miracle Mornings book that I am currently reading.
The book started explaining the benefits of meditation, which is something that I definitely need to learn more about. Apparently, meditation reduces stress and improves your overall health. It has also been shown to increase brain density.
The book said to look at some meditation apps to help with the process…
- Headspace – I’ve also seen a TV series on Netflix called Headspace, must take another look.
- Calm
- Omvana
- Simply being
- Insight timer
Maybe I should add a meditation book to my reading list!
The book also said to take a look at Holosynch which is a site that apparently assists meditation by using sounds.
The A in SAVERS stands for Affirmations
- Define what result you want to accomplish
- Why is accomplishing it important
- What specific actions are required to produce a result
- When (what specific date/time are you going to commit to taking the actions
We don’t get what we want, we get what we are committed to!
So the action to take is to write down a specific result or outcome that you want to happen, it should be one that challenges you or that significantly improves your life and that you’re ready to commit to creating right now, even if you’re not quite sure how you’re going to do it.
You reinforce your commitment by including your Why… The compelling reason why you’re willing to stay committed. There are some examples for creating your own affirmations in the book – was location 631 on my kindle.
So in summary what are the necessary actions that you are committed to taking and when. You affirm what you are committed to do.
Action: Clarify the specific action, activity or habit that is required to achieve your ideal outcome. When and how often will you execute it. There are more examples on my kindle at location 638. Frequency, quantity and precise time frames.
When you have your affirmations, recite them every morning with emotion. Feel its truth, feel the excitement and the determination. Who do you need to become.
Action: Schedule time each morning to read your affirmations. Put them on a car and display them somewhere that you will be able to see them often.
Constantly update, amend and evolve your affirmations.
It can be a good idea to have one for:
- Finance
- Health
- Happiness
- Relationships
- Parenting
Lookout for quotes and other strategies as you read more – there were more examples in the book at kindle location 674
I intend to put a page together to document my morning routine.
I am now at location 700 in my kindle which is 22% complete.