My Journal Entry For August 25th, 2023

Morning Routine, General Diary, Thoughts, and Ideas
So, I woke up ridiculously early this morning, at around 5 a.m. I didn’t do much of my morning routine. I did however get some early morning tasks ticked off.
My son Jack is still at around month 9 post-transplant and all is still looking good for him 🤞.
Today’s pic is my favorite wine at the moment, it is Friday after all so a glass or two of wine is in order.
I’m still aiming to write up my learnings from the: “Tony Robbins and Dean G – Own your own Future course” but haven’t found the time yet.
Today’s been a bit spoiled from getting up so early, while I did a lot of things I needed to achieve early doors, I ended up having two naps today from feeling absolutely shattered.
Went to try and get my Citizen watch fixed today from a great local watch repair guy, unfortunately, he told me he couldn’t help and that the watch needs to be returned to Citizen for repair, which I would guess will be more expensive than simply buying a new watch, but I may still enquire!
Next, my wife and I went shopping in a really rough and old-looking shopping Mall in a run-down place called Crossgates, apologies if you’re from Crossgates and are reading this! We went into a freezer food shop called Iceland. This place was great! I’m trying to lose a little weight again by avoiding carbs almost completely. I’ve been following Dr. Shawn Baker on Twitter and doing his carnivore diet as best that I can. The weight does fall off me when I follow it religiously. My only problem is, I love eating great food, and meat only can get a little boring.
Late afternoon I played racketball against my friend Lee, we’re both quite big entities so there is always a slight fear of colliding with one another. We had really close games but I just managed to pull off a win – 3 – 1.
Good chat with a few other friends in the bar afterward.
Food Diary
Today I Am Reading
Today, I haven’t read anything, I did one course, about social media which I found pretty useful, and will place my notes regarding what I learned later on this website.
This was my entry from January so will leave it in so that I can re-focus my reading again starting tomorrow. I know I said this yesterday, give me some slack, I’m slowly getting back into this journalling thing!
My goal today is to read some of Build and Promote Profitable SaaS Business
My starting point for today is location 1398 or 56% complete.
My ending point for today was location 1413 or 57% complete.
My Learnings Today
My Core Journal
What did you achieve yesterday?
- Did more of the courses that I had subscribed to! ✅
What would make today great?
Keeping the below from Jan just for reference again, will add more detailed goals tomorrow.
- Do my personal finances as I am behind with them
- Add some more shares to my portfolio
- Work on the high-level plan
- Continue ensuring digital assets are connected to Google Analytics