My Journal Entry For 18th November 2022

Morning Routine And General Diary
Another night on my own, slept well and completed my morning routine.
AI horse gambling bot is having a nightmare so far, after breaking even yesterday.
In the morning I got invited to take part in a study that the UK National Health Service is undertaking. Looks like you get a bit of a free health check out of participating, so I put my name down for it. I had to register for a blood sample appointment and then complete a rather lengthy survey. Wasted a bit of time completing it all, but maybe it will prove useful in terms of reporting back how healthy I am or not.
Food Diary
Yet another poor day, had Heinz chicken soup for lunch with a ham sandwich and a beef sandwich. I ate a cooked sausage that was left in the fridge.
Then, when I got to the hospital, I ate 4 chocolate digestives, 3 shortbread biscuits (cookies), 2 packets of crisps, and the beans with cheese blathered on them that I mention above.
In the SAVERS acronym R is for Reading
My goal today is to read 10 minutes of my new book that I’ve decided to read… The 7 Levels of Communication: Go from relationships to referrals.
My starting point for today is location 0 of 2305 or 0% complete.
My ending point was 141 of 2305 or 6% complete.
In the SAVERS acronym, S is for Scribing
My Core Journal
What did you achieve yesterday?
- Did lots of work on how my potential new customer’s website could look like.
- And visited my son in the hospital.
What would make today great?
- Catch up on my journal
- Complete the NHS survey
- Email my potential customer to say I’m a little behind with the proposal due to hospital visits.
- Visit my son again in the hospital