My Journal Entry For 11th November 2022

Morning Routine And General Diary
Did My morning routine this morning, although once again didn’t get to affirmations and visualizations, maybe need to get up a little earlier!
I had a meeting early doors with my business partner to discuss the EPOS system that a customer has requested.
Running three only very slightly modified horse bot strategies today, yesterday was quite a profitable day so only minor tweaking is required.
I also ran our AI football bot and placed one bet that was recommended.
Then I had a lengthy call with one of my customers, I have half a day of chargeable work from them but I needed a few more answers before I can complete it. Was a good call I got most of my questions answered. Idea build a charge point website and sell leads.
My parents called with food supplies seeing as we’re having to isolate for my son.
In the afternoon I got a call from a guy who is involved with a walking club. He asked me if I would put a proposal together for him for managing their club’s website and their memberships and the bookings of the walks that they do each month.
The latest strategies on the 3 horse bots I have running today appear to be quite successful once again, I think I might just add a fourth bot tomorrow!
Food Diary
12:30 pm I had a tin of Lidl salmon, never again, I wasn’t keen!
06:00 pm I broke the keto diet again by having English sausages, mash, peas, and gravy, I can’t miss out on that as it’s almost the weekend!
In the SAVERS acronym R is for Reading
My goal today is to read just 15 minutes of the Miracle Morning book. No time for anymore due to 1 planned meeting and 2 unplanned meetings.
My starting point for today is location 2323 of 3144 or 74% complete.
My ending point was location 2436 of 3144 or 77% complete.
In the SAVERS acronym, S is for Scribing
My Core Journal
What would make today great?
My goal was to draft an email to my customer about the EPOS system and to work on a customer’s website, unfortunately, these are going to have to get pushed out to the weekend or early next week as too many unplanned things happened today!