My Daily Journal Entry For December 16th, 2022

Morning Routine, General Diary, Thoughts, and Ideas
Got up early-ish and completed my morning routine.
Today is day 23 post bone marrow transplant for my son, all still seems to be going well.
First time back playing Racketball last night after about 6 weeks off due to my son’s illness. I played terribly, lost 5-1, against a friend of mine that I usually do OK against. Everything was aching and my chest was tight. I so need to get my fitness back, although 9 days before Christmas isn’t possibly the best time for it!
Today’s picture is my excessively large heating bill for the other day. It’s pretty cold in the UK at the moment and the heating bills are excessive thanks, I guess to Putin’s War and the country is in the shit from all the money they spent on Covid – although I’ve no real clue if that’s the real reason for the high energy costs. Just rambling on, really!
Food Diary
Today I Am Reading
My goal today is to read some of Build and Promote Profitable SaaS Business
My starting point for today is location 422 or 17% complete.
My ending point for today was location 462 or 19% complete.
My Learnings Today
My Core Journal
What did you achieve yesterday?
- I ordered a new integrated fridge, it comes on Dec 23rd ✅
- Did a big shop with my wife, late at night, when there are fewer people to reduce our chances of catching anything and subsequently passing it on to our son with a low immune system. ✅
What would make today great?
- Still need to order some Skis and Boots, ready for my skiing trip in January.
- Create a recurring schedule
- Update Objitec Website