A warm welcome to the leadership journal articles section of the website.
From this page, we will be publishing a number of classic, full-text journal articles on the subject of leadership. All are completely free for you to access. Including material from some highly regarded and influential academics.

CEOs should have been the fall guys; why are they still heroes?
On 15 September 2008, the giant financial services firm Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy, starting a chain reaction that saw the global economy spiralling toward total collapse. The global financial crisis that ensued revealed just how fragile and unstable the world economic order really was. If there was ever a time that neoliberal capitalism should […]

Would the world be more peaceful if there were more women leaders?
During the opening months of the First World War, in the midst of the incendiary jingoism roiling Britain, the poet Dorothea Hollins of the Women’s Labour League proposed that an unarmed, 1,000-strong ‘Women’s Peace Expeditionary Force’ cross Europe ‘in the teeth of the guns’ and interpose itself between the warring armies in the trenches. Hollins’s […]

How to navigate a freelance career during the COVID-19 crisis
How to navigate a freelance career during the COVID-19 crisis The COVID-19 pandemic has hit freelancers and gig workers hard. Here’s how they can get through the crisis. (Piqsels) Mostafa Ayoobzadeh, Concordia University Millions of people around the world have lost their jobs, temporarily or permanently, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Freelancers and contract workers have been […]

Businesses say they want to tackle inequalities but they need more data to take action
Businesses say they want to tackle inequalities but they need more data to take actionOnly 9% of London firms reported that they collect data on their disability pay gap.as-artmedia/ShutterstockSiobhan Morris, UCL and Olivia Stevenson, UCLCOVID-19 has brought challenges like no other for businesses. In the UK, where firms have also had to deal with the challenges […]

Depression, burnout, insomnia, headaches: how a toxic and sexist workplace culture can affect your health
Depression, burnout, insomnia, headaches: how a toxic and sexist workplace culture can affect your healthShutterstockXi Wen (Carys) Chan, Griffith University and Paula Brough, Griffith UniversityAs allegations of rape and sexual assault engulf Australian federal politics, several current and former female staffers and politicians have come forward to share their stories of a culture of toxic masculinity […]

How to stop psychopaths and narcissists from winning positions of power
How to stop psychopaths and narcissists from winning positions of powerPeople with narcissistic and psychopathic traits have a strong desire for dominance and are disproportionately common in leadership positions.GoodStudio/ShutterstockSteve Taylor, Leeds Beckett UniversityOne of the human race’s biggest problems has been that people who occupy positions of power are often incapable of using power in a […]

The Future Of The Family Business
The future of the family business: 4 strategies for a successful transitionThe family business is among the most common organizations in the world. But figuring out succession plans is rife with complications.(Unsplash)Peter Jaskiewicz, L’Université d’Ottawa/University of Ottawa; Alfredo De Massis, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, and Marleen Dieleman, National University of SingaporeBorn between 1981 and 1996, […]

Making space for Buddha in the boardroom
Making space for Buddha in the boardroomCarving out time every day for mindfulness exercises has been shown to be beneficial.ShutterstockDr Linda Kantor, University of Cape Town; Kurt April, University of Cape Town, and Warren Nilsson, University of Cape TownIt seems farfetched to imagine that an ancient meditation technique, practised by Buddhists over 2,000 years ago, could […]

Shakespeare’s rulers and generals are all flawed, but the books on his leadership lessons keep coming
Shakespeare’s rulers and generals are all flawed, but the books on his leadership lessons keep comingJohn Bell, pictured here in 2006, is the latest to write a book on Shakespeare and leadership.Paul Millar/AAPRobert White, The University of Western AustraliaReview: John Bell, Some Achieve Greatness: Lessons on leadership from Shakespeare and one of his greatest admirers. With […]
Gareth Southgate: what football (and business) can learn from England’s manager
Gareth Southgate: what football (and business) can learn from England’s managerPete Holmes, Nottingham Trent UniversityGareth Southgate could yet become the most successful ever manager of the men’s English football team. With a record so far of 36 wins and 11 draws from his 57 games in charge, he ranks higher than almost all of his predecessors.All […]
Seen to be green? Research reveals how environmental performance shapes public perceptions of our leaders
Seen to be green? Research reveals how environmental performance shapes public perceptions of our leadersMick Tsikas/AAPVlad Demsar, Swinburne University of Technology; Jason Pallant, Swinburne University of Technology; Melissa A. Wheeler, Swinburne University of Technology; Samuel Wilson, Swinburne University of Technology; Sylvia T. Gray, Swinburne University of Technology, and Timothy Colin Bednall, Swinburne University of TechnologyIn recent […]
Is quitting contagious? Depends on who else leaves and who’s in charge
Is quitting contagious? Depends on who else leaves and who’s in chargeWhen star performers leave, research shows it can lead to turnover contagion — especially when company leaders fail to motivate or inspire.(Shutterstock)Nita Chhinzer, University of Guelph and Jinuk Oh, University of GuelphQuitting is one of life’s big decisions. It takes an emotional and financial toll […]
An experience of virtual leadership development for human resource managers
An experience of virtual leadership development for human resource managersAuthors: Johnson Sarah, Nauseda Fiona, Sherk Karen E, Liston DelphineCreative Commons CC BY 3.0AbstractProblemStrong leadership and management skills are crucial to finding solutions to the human resource crisis in health. Health professionals and human resource (HR) managers worldwide who are in charge of addressing HR challenges in […]
Educational Leadership for E-Learning in the Healthcare Workplace
Educational Leadership for E-Learning in the Healthcare WorkplaceThis is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Dorothy (Willy) FahlmanAthabasca University, CanadaAbstractEffective educational leadership can make a difference in the resolution of complex issues that impact […]
Leadership, Knowledge and Skills
An Enabler for Success as a Technology Education Teacher-Leader By Robert E. Wenig This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Introduction While our technological society has rapidly moved into the digital-information age […]
Four Key Rules For Successful Leadership
Four key rules for successful leadership conzorb/Shutterstock Christian Harrison, University of the West of Scotland The disruption and devastation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the world. Not only has it taken the lives of more than 5 million people around the world, it has also seriously wounded the global economy. Thousands of businesses […]