A List Of Niche Ideas I Could Focus On

First Thoughts
Ok, so first I thought I might try and create a list of niche ideas or possible topics that I have knowledge, skills, or interest in that I might be able to create a website, course or product about at some later time.
It’s About
- Find your triangle of genius
- Know your bullseye, and gain confidence by niching down as small as you can go.
- What do you already do or know that people come to you for? For me, that would be computer advice.
- Think of something that you are excited about and want to share with the world.
- Out of the talents and skills that you have and enjoy, what do people need? Who could you help specifically that you know?
My Possible List Of Niche Ideas
- Beginner guide to programming
- How to trade on the stock markets
- Object-oriented programming
- How to play squash better
- Creating applications
- Help with relocating to Canada
- How to play racketball better
- How to lead or manage people
- How to be more creative or innovative
- Understanding crypto
- How to lose weight without calorie counting
- Lean / Six Sigma
- Project Management
- How to trade crypto coins
- Coping with an aplastic anaemia
- How to do online marketing
- Creating a life journal that helps people achieve their life goals, use the book my son had as an example
- How to not lose so much Gambling
- How to build and maintain a WordPress website
My Passions
Drill it down by thinking more about your passions. So let’s try and list my possible passions, which I think may have changed a little over the years, and comment out loud on each one…
- Self-development – love reading about this, but is it a passion? It’s possibly not something that I could talk passionately about
- Motivating – I like reading about motivation and I feel I could be pretty good at motivating others
- Racketball/Squash – My knees won’t cope with squash anymore, but I love Racketball which has now replaced squash for me and I already have a court booking system that makes a small amount of monthly income. This could definitely be something that I revisit.
- Marketing – I have had quite an interest in this too as I have attempted to learn more in order to better push my software-as-a-service products.
- Trading shares/crypto. I am quite interested in this, but was it out of necessity in order to earn some more money from our savings? Possibly not something that I would want to sell a product related to it
- Telling funny stories. I like telling my funny life stories in front of people usually after a few drinks. I enjoy this and often make people laugh with them, but I’m not sure where I would make money from it without writing an autobiography, and given my lack of fame that might be quite a hard sell.
- Coding/App creation – This is possibly my best starting point as I have a number of SAAS (Software As A Service) application products that I need to sell more of..
My Existing SAAS Products
- PlanIt-BookIt – Court Booking
- Includes (which all could almost be separate apps in their own right)
- Events
- Rankings
- Gym/Class bookings
- Communication portal
- Includes (which all could almost be separate apps in their own right)
- Executive car chauffeur booking system
- A Survey creation tool
- A kitchen costing tool
- A reminder system for anyone chasing customers for regular orders
- Love This – a rewards/promotion app
- PubOrder – a pub ordering system
- SpeedyTakeaway – A takeaway ordering system
- PlanIt-BookIt – Court Booking